Handling a Hurricane; Part 2 - Preparing for and Surviving an Approaching Hurricane
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Handling a Hurricane;
Part 2 - Preparing For and Surviving an Approaching Hurricane
Part 1 of this article some of the characteristics of hurricanes and the damage they can cause. In the days before high tech weather forecasting, well organized emergency services, and mandatory evacuation, major hurricanes resulted
in death tolls in the hundreds, if not thousands.
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Most deaths, much property damage, and significant financial loss
are all preventable with sensible forward planning and early
action. Let's have a look at how you can protect yourself, your
family, and your property if a hurricane crosses the coast in your
This page will tell you more about Hurricanes.
Advance Preparation for the Hurricane Season
The North American hurricane season starts on June 1st,
reaches a peak in August and September, and
fades out over the next two months. This doesn't mean that major hurricanes won't occur before or after the peak - July 2005 set new records for early hurricanes.
Unlike a tornado, a hurricane can be monitored and tracked for some time before its final landfall or decay. If you are a resident or visitor in a target area you will normally have considerable warning of hurricane's approach, and time to safeguard your home or prepare for evacuation.
But the best time to start preparing is before the threat
is visible. You can do this by
When A Hurricane Is Approaching
During a Hurricane
- Stay inside. The main dangers are flying debris and downed power lines. Listen to Weather Radio, and don't go outside until the hurricane
has passed. If the eye passes over you, a deceptive
period of calm will be followed by the return of
strong winds and heavy rain.
- Secure all doors and windows, close off windows with curtains or blinds, and close all internal doors.
- At the peak of the hurricane, go to a safe room on lower floor - lie or crouch under a sturdy table or other piece of strong furniture.
With a little good fortune, these fairly simple
precautions should get you through the hurricane safely.
You will have done well, and will emerge healthy and fit enough to tackle the inevitable clean up. Good luck.
But always remember that hurricanes are short lived and
are only likely to be a threat for a small part of the year.
Think of them as an occasional tax to be paid for the benefits of an otherwise pleasant climate.
================================================================©2005, Graham McClung. A retired geologist, Graham McClung has had a lifelong interest in the outdoors. And where there's outdoors there's weather. He is the editor of https://www.home-weather-stations-guide.com where you can find reviews and advice to help you choose and use your own home weather station.================================================================
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Last update 05/24/2011