Don't Let Winter Weather Lows Get You Down
Severe winter weather provides much interest for the home weather station owner when the weather closes in. And it'sprobably too cold and miserable to be doing much else.
Extreme Winter Weather may not have the spectacular TV news value of hurricanes, tornadoes and lightning, but it provides its own hazards to life and property.
And as you'd expect with weather, events which are most common in the depths of winter extend either side of it, and some of them can occur at any time of year. But evenwith weather, we have to try to draw a line somewhere.So this section will concentrate on the colder months, while weather more typical of summer can be found inthe
Severe Weather
Notable examples of extreme winter weather include;
Winter Storms.
Winter storms cover a multitude of severe weather conditions, resulting in transport problems due to heavy snowfall and blizzard conditions, subsequent disruptions due to flooding as the snow melts, and in mountainous areas, the likelihood of avalanches and mudslides. The combination of low temperatures and high winds, with its wind chill effect, also increases risks to any outdoor activities, voluntary or otherwise.
Examples of winter storms include the Alberta Clippers, Colorado Lows and Nor'easters of North America, but different interactions between topography and air masses will produce different styles of storms.
Ice Storms and Freezing Rain
Freezing rain, transforming to an ice storm if prolonged, can have significant economic effects, which, in the worst cases, can become life threatening. Power disruption due to breakage of transmission lines caused by the weight of ice, crop loss in the southern USA, or vehicle damage due collisions on icy roads can result.
is fairly low in the scale of severe weather events but, although not as obviously dangerous, still presents its own set of challenges, particularly to transport.
Floods can result from many causes.
Flash Floods,
which typically follow heavy downpours such as thunderstorms, are the subject of another article.
Longer lasting floods which affect whole river systems occur
year round, but winter, or shortly afterwards, is prime time
for some form of flooding.
Like to Know More?
Information on the more hazardous features of summer weather
can be found on the
Severe Weather page.
Reviews and discussion about currently available Weather Stations can be found on the
Home Weather Stations
page, and there is also a
page to help you
set up your weather station.
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Last update 05/28/2011