More Hurricane Resources
A few pages on a website (Hurricanes and Tracking & Recording Hurricanes) may be enough to for a general view ofwhat hurricanes are, and what they're capable of. But it is impossible to do the power and fury of a hurricane justice in such a limited amount of space.
Fortunately there are several other resources which will goa long way towards expanding your knowledge and appreciation of hurricanes - most notably DVDs, Videos and books,together witha small selection of photos, prints and posters.
DVDs And Videos
Before buying any video or DVD, please make sure that it is in
a suitable format for your country, and has been released there.
All titles referred to here are available in the USA and Canada.
Check the availability of any titles you are interested in at outlets in your own part of the world.
There is a good range of DVDs and videos covering many aspects of
hurricanes, from general information to specific storms. Hurricanes
also form part of the material on more general weather and extreme
weather sets.
Material from A&E and the History Channel is the most varied,
and this applies to most weather topics. Older material may
only be available on video, while later productions are on
DVD or both. It is unlikely that you will find this material
Among the titles are
Hurricanes: Natural Born Killers DVD
Hurricanes: Category Five DVD
Killer Storms DVD Set
. A 200 minute DVD set including interviews with the people who tracked some of the largest recent hurricanes. Includes Category 5 Hurricanes, Weather Predictions, and
Killer Storms, some of which are available separately.
Isaac's Storm DVD
This DVD is derived from an excellent book of the same name, an account of the 1900 hurricane which devastated
Galveston, Tx, and the meteorological resources available at the time.
Weather Predictions DVD
. Find out what goes on inside the nation's met offices when a
storm is forming. also available on VHS.
Hurricane Warning VHS
. A look at some of the worst storms in recent years. VHS only
1999: The Weather Year from Hell VHS
. 1999 was a bad year for many forms of weather including hurricanes. There doesn't seem to have been much improvement since. VHS only.
Tracking Storms: The Next Frontier VHS
. Only partly related to hurricanes. A look into the Severe
Storms Lab in Norman, Oklahoma, where much of the research
on thunderstorms and tornadoes is done. VHS only.
Unless stated otherwise, the above titles are only available on
Also worth considering is the double DVD set called
Nature's Fury DVD Set
. Only partly
devoted to hurricanes but the whole package also includes flash floods, tornadoes, wildfires, nor'easters, blizzards and tsunamis. Some of these topics are hard to find anywhere else.
Discovery Channel Store
A couple of DVDs can be found here. An interesting one is
Planet Storm DVD
, which investigates the question of how storms observed on
other planets would appear if let loose on earth. Scary stuff,
which also provides good insights into how weather works.
Amazon has quite a few hurricane DVDs and videos, including
several I have not seen elsewhere. Things change quickly there and it is always worth a look.
You'll find all of them here - Hurricane DVDs And Videos
, although at least two of the Nova productions - Hurricane
and Weather Gone Wild are, at least at the moment, cheaper at
DVD Empire
DVD Empire
DVD Empire also has a good range of hurricane DVDs and videos.
The ones listed here are at the best price I've seen, but
things change rapidly in the DVD scene. They carry a good
range of National Geographic products.
When it comes to books it's hard to beat Amazon. There's
heaps of books and articles on hurricanes, for all ages, but I think I've picked the best of them and included them in my list
of Hurricanes Past And Present.
Many of them are only recently issued - Hurricane Katrina has
resulted in a flood of books as well as water - but 2004 was
also a big year for hurricanes and stirred many authors into action on hurricanes of the past. I've also included several
books for children.
Prints, Photos and Posters
Weather is a great subject for artists and photographers, and
hurricanes have attracted their share. Most of the material from the two outlets below can be obtained in a range of
sizes, at varying prices. Keep a look out for specials and
discounts as well. Both distributors have much bigger lists on the topic, but the weather themes are scattered amongst
artwork on boxers, sporting teams and WW2 aircraft.
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Last update 05/25/2011