More Lightning Resources
A few pages on a website (Lightning and Thunderstorms) may be enough to for a general view ofhow lightning forms, and you can find out how to Detect Lightning, or even become a Lightning Tracker. But lightning is such a visual thing (and the audio is pretty good too), that mere words can't do it justice.
Fortunately there are several other resources which will goa long way towards expanding your knowledge and appreciation of lightning and thunderstorms - most notably DVDs, Videos and books, together with a small but high quality selection of photos, prints and posters.
DVDs And Videos
Before buying any video or DVD, please make sure that it is ina suitable format for your country, and has been released there.All titles referred to here are available in the USA and Canada.Check the availability of any titles you are interested in at outlets in your own part of the world.
There is a small but highly regarded range of DVDs and videos covering most aspects of lightning, from the lightning investigators to the most spectacular lightning displays. Lightning also forms part of the material on more general weather and extreme weather sets.
Material from A&E and the History Channel is the most varied, and this applies to most weather topics. Older material may only be available on video, while later productions are onDVD or both. It is unlikely that you will find this materialelsewhere.
Among the topics are
Discovery Channel Store
A couple of DVDs can be found here. An interesting one isPlanet Storm DVD
, which investigates the question of how storms observed onother planets would appear if let loose on earth. Scary stuff,which also provides good insights into how weather works.
Discovery Channel has a reasonable range of weather videos and DVDs,and heaps of other interesting stuff, but their prices on DVDs canoften be beaten elsewhere
DVD Empire
DVD Empire also has a good range of hurricane DVDs and videos.The ones listed here are at the best price I've seen, butthings change rapidly in the DVD scene. They carry a goodrange of National Geographic products.
Amazon has several lightning and storm DVDs and videos, but onlyone I have not seen elsewhere at a better price. But things change quickly there and it is always worth a look.
Lethal Lightning
This is quite an old production now available on DVD. Last time I looked prices started at $1.00
When it comes to books it's hard to beat Amazon. Lightning is not the most popular subject for authors, but thesefew titles are a high quality lot for adults and children.
Prints, Photos and Posters
Lightning is a great subject for artists and photographers, and a good range of stunning photos, posters and prints areavailable. Most of the material from the two outlets below can be obtained in a range of sizes, at varying prices. Keep a look out for specials and discounts as well. Both distributors have much bigger lists on the topic, and asyour taste is probably different to mine, it may beworth searching further through their catalogue.
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Last update 05/25/2011