Oregon Professional Weather Centers Can Tell You All You Need To Know About The Weather. But Which One Is Right For You?
Read On! These Reviews Will Tell You What You Need To Know
Oregon Scientific make a lot of home weather stations, from temperature recorders you can stick on a window to fully functioned instruments that provide information on everything from humidity to rainfall. You can find out more about them at the main Oregon Weather Stations page.
Oregon's Professional Weather Centers and related weather stations, with temperature, humidity, air pressure, rainfall and wind speed and direction all recorded, are at the top of the range of Oregon products. You can find a review of all products on the Oregon Weather Stations page, while reviews of Temperature Stations and Temperature-Humidity Stations can be found by following these links.
The leader of the Professional Weather Centers is the WMR200A, and you can follow the link to a detailed review. Although it is the pick of the bunch, the WMR200A still falls a long way short of the slightly more expensive Davis Vantage Vue .
The remaining Professional Weather Centers are less expensive, and are reviewed here. As might be expected, with every decrease in price comes a reduction in features, but not everyone wants to pay over $300.00 for a home weather station. So lets see what the cheaper alternatives have to offer.
Together with the WMR100N, the WMR200A replaces the previous standard bearer, the WMR968, a very popular if occasionally frustrating weather station. You may still be able to find it at a little over $200.00 but the sensor array in the newer models is simpler and more flexible.
The WMR100N Professional Wireless Weather Station (or WMR100)
The WMR100N
, listed at $179.99 but usually available for a little less, is a good alternative to the WMR200A. It lacks the touch screen, has only five weather forecast choices, and won't save your data for you, but it is easily connected to a computer by a USB cable, and is fairly easy to set up. Like the WMR200A, it will tell you the time and update itself daily through the Atomic Clock, it has numerous settable alarms for various types of extreme weather, including such things as rapid pressure drop and rainfall rate, remembers maximum and minimum values, and calculates wind chill and heat index.
The WMR88A Semi Professional Weather Station
At the lower end are the WMR80A and the new WMR88A. The WMR88A is so new it is hard to find all the information about it, but it is more or less a cut back version of the WMR100N, still with a computer connection but missing data on wind chill, heat index and indoor comfort level. You won't be able to set alarms for weather extremes as you can in the more expensive models. It's a little hard to find at the moment, but should be available at well under $150.00.
The WMR80A
And by shaving off a few more features, such as computer connectivity, Oregon has the WMR80A
, a fully equipped weather station for under $100.00.
Summing up
The prices of all Oregon models are very competitive, but beware. Consumer reviews are very mixed - if you get a good one and set it up properly you will probably be very happy, but the alternative will probably be a frustrating battle with Oregon's customer service department. They do provide support, but it can take time and reminders.
And no matter what home weather station you buy or own, its performance is only as good as the way it is set up.
The page on Setting Up will help you work out just what you need to do to get your weather station to work around your home. A little extra work at the beginning in weatherproofing moving parts, battery compartments and cable connections will usually pay off big time in minimizing or preventing problems in data transmission. The article on Troubleshooting will help.
Whatever your choice, you will have entered the exciting world of weather observation and recording.
As you can see, Oregon is an innovative company, and you may care to check through their complete range at the Oregon Weather Stations website. Many of their products are sold through gift shops, but you can always find a huge selection of Oregon Weather Stations at Amazon
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Last updated 05/28/2011